Custom PC Build Parts Compatibility


Submit a Quote for a Tailored Built Parts List!

Here is where your Tailored PC experience begins!

Upon submitting your order, you will be sent to a page to fill out the questionnaire. I will get back to you within 24 hours with my recommendation for your new PC parts!

This will include:

  1. General parts selection with guaranteed compatibility

  2. Retail pricing

Not sure if you are ready to buy or build yourself?

  • The parts selection and recommendations provided are an excellent foundation if you decide to build it yourself.

  • Additionally, you can always turn this parts list into a commissioned build by us by simply reaching out after you receive your parts list.

  • Helps you skip the tedious research needed to ensure compatibility between your parts.

    • Motherboard size/Case size pairing guaranteed

    • Appropriate Power Supply and wattage needed for your build

    • Balanced power between CPU and GPU to avoid any performance bottleneck

For a Faster Response, fill out the form and Direct-Message us on Instagram letting us know you did

You will receive your response via E-MAIL. Please make sure the email provided is the email you would like to receive your response to.

Request Service

Submit a Quote for a Tailored Built Parts List!

Here is where your Tailored PC experience begins!

Upon submitting your order, you will be sent to a page to fill out the questionnaire. I will get back to you within 24 hours with my recommendation for your new PC parts!

This will include:

  1. General parts selection with guaranteed compatibility

  2. Retail pricing

Not sure if you are ready to buy or build yourself?

  • The parts selection and recommendations provided are an excellent foundation if you decide to build it yourself.

  • Additionally, you can always turn this parts list into a commissioned build by us by simply reaching out after you receive your parts list.

  • Helps you skip the tedious research needed to ensure compatibility between your parts.

    • Motherboard size/Case size pairing guaranteed

    • Appropriate Power Supply and wattage needed for your build

    • Balanced power between CPU and GPU to avoid any performance bottleneck

For a Faster Response, fill out the form and Direct-Message us on Instagram letting us know you did

You will receive your response via E-MAIL. Please make sure the email provided is the email you would like to receive your response to.

Submit a Quote for a Tailored Built Parts List!

Here is where your Tailored PC experience begins!

Upon submitting your order, you will be sent to a page to fill out the questionnaire. I will get back to you within 24 hours with my recommendation for your new PC parts!

This will include:

  1. General parts selection with guaranteed compatibility

  2. Retail pricing

Not sure if you are ready to buy or build yourself?

  • The parts selection and recommendations provided are an excellent foundation if you decide to build it yourself.

  • Additionally, you can always turn this parts list into a commissioned build by us by simply reaching out after you receive your parts list.

  • Helps you skip the tedious research needed to ensure compatibility between your parts.

    • Motherboard size/Case size pairing guaranteed

    • Appropriate Power Supply and wattage needed for your build

    • Balanced power between CPU and GPU to avoid any performance bottleneck

For a Faster Response, fill out the form and Direct-Message us on Instagram letting us know you did

You will receive your response via E-MAIL. Please make sure the email provided is the email you would like to receive your response to.